Ponderosa Pet Mobile Vet

135 Burnett Dr Suite 3
Durango, CO 81301





Mobile Housecalls
In-Office Appointments   

Cat on couch

Ponderosa Pet offers a full range of services for our clients and patients

Please click on a topic or scroll below for more info:


⇒ Routine Wellness Exams

⇒ Health Certificates

⇒ Vaccinations and Deworming

⇒ Flea, Tick, & Heartworm

⇒ Microchipping

⇒ Bloodwork & Diagnostic Laboratory Services

⇒ Laser Therapy

⇒ X-Ray & Ultrasound

⇒ Pharmacy

⇒ Nutrition & Dietary Counseling

⇒ Behavioral Counseling

⇒ Referral Services

⇒ Pet Sitting

⇒ Hospice Care & Euthanasia

⇒ Urgent Care, Emergencies, & Surgery

Please Call or Text to schedule an appointment:

Cat getting exam

Routine Wellness Exams


We believe that regular exams are a valuable way to ensure the health of everyone's pets throughout their lifetime. We have found much truth in the old adage that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" Therefore, we offer physicals for pets at all life stages, and especially prefer to see pets be given the best chance at long healthy lives by addressing everything from their dietary needs to how we can support our animal friends through the natural aging process.


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Dog in field

Health Certificates

We recommend that you please visit  https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel to get properly prepared for your trip!


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cat with vaccines

Vaccinations & Deworming


Puppies, Kittens, & Adult Pets: We provide all the core vaccinations needed to keep your pet healthy & prevent deadly diseases, plus other vaccines your pet may need when traveling, boarding, and based on different lifestyles.

Titer Testing, a blood test to check for antibodies, is available to determine if vaccinations can be safely skipped for the year. 

Parasites & Worms can be acquired from environmental sources (soil, water), by hunting prey, or eating carcasses (or other unmentionables!) can get different types of worms.  Adult pets should either be dewormed routinely or have their feces tested for internal parasites.

Why We Use Recombitek Canine & PureVax Feline Vaccines?

• Simulates natural exposure and produces two types of immunity
• Recombinant vaccines contain only a portion of the genetic material of a pathogen, not the complete organism. Therefore, it is not possible for the recombined vaccine to produce disease in the vaccinated animal.
• Adjuvant-free (no mercury or metal derivatives)


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Dog itching on grass

Flea, Tick, & Heartworm


We offer routine Heartworm testing, fecal testing, treatment for parasites, and prescriptions for preventative products. We aim to develop programs for the specific needs of your pet and your own particular environmental situation by reviewing with you the parasites for which your pet is at the greatest risk based on their lifestyle and your location, as well as the best ways to use preventative products.


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Dog and owner sitting outdoors



We offer microchip implantation for permanent identification, the procedure is as quick as a vaccination, and could save the life of your pet!

While it's very true that most pets don't just "run away," there are certain unforeseen situations that can happen during traveling, natural disasters, stormy weather, other frightening events (fireworks), or an accident like someone forgetting to latch a gate, that can result in a pet getting lost. One study has stated that only about 15% of dogs and 2% of cats without permanent identification return home to their owners.

Another study has found however, that the return-to-owner rate for
MICROCHIPPED PETS was >52 percent (a 238% increase)!

It has been said that approximately 9 million companion animals are admitted to shelters in the U.S. every year, and many of these who may have at one time had a home are euthanized because their owners cannot be found. We sincerely want your pet to have the best chance of getting back to you if ever lost!


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Bloodwork & Diagnostic Laboratory Services


We utilize both on-site equipment & commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations, including serum chemistry, hematology, serology, urinalysis and parasite testing.

We can draw blood & collect samples at your home to send off for almost any type of laboratory services. These may include & are not limited to the following: Heartworm testing, feline Leukemia/FIV testing, basic annual health screens, thyroid testing, food allergy testing, senior health checks & organ functioning, medication level monitoring, and pre-anesthetic bloodwork if you are considering a surgical procedure at a referral clinic.

  • Results are typically available in 24-48 hours
  • Basic health screens test the organ functions, blood counts and clotting function of your pet
        (recommended prior to surgery, on an annual basis for aging pets, or those with medical conditions)

Based on the results of your pet's lab work, we will design the appropriate plan to treat or manage your pet's condition. This may include medications, diet changes, or other options such as referral to a full-service hospital or specialty clinic if indicated.


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Laser Therapy


We perform therapeutic laser treatments with a Class IV veterinary laser which uses specific light wavelengths to stimulate electrons and activate cells to promote growth and repair.  The main clinical benefits of laser treatments in pets include decreased inflammation, decreased pain, and improved wound healing.

Tissue Repair
Light waves enhance blood circulation & oxygenation of tissues, promote muscle relaxation, decrease inflammation

Medical Problems for Laser Treatments 
Arthritis, Tendon & Ligament Issues, Surgical Incisions, Inflammatory Conditions (ears, oral lesions, skin issues)

Alternative to Prescription Medications
For Pets with Liver or Kidney Disease
Pets Unable to Take Pain Meds
Pets Difficult to Medicate & Exotics
Senior Pets


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X-Ray & Ultrasound


We recently have added complete full functioning portable digital X-ray & Ultrasonography equipment to our services. We can now perform X-rays & Ultrasounds at any location and view them immediately. We also have the ability to send these images to board-certified radiologists for consultation on any case, for everyone's reassurance in ascertaining an accurate diagnosis, and for advice with treatment plans.


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Dog with medicine



We use a combination of medications that we keep on hand, online pharmacies, & local human pharmacy services. All of our clients have been very pleased with being able to get their pet’s meds at the time of their exam, at a familiar local pharmacy, or from online pharmacies who deliver their pet's important medications right to the front door within just a few days! Prescription diets can additionally be ordered online or picked up from some of our local retailers.


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Dog near fridge

Nutrition & Dietary Counseling


We will provide guidance regarding your pet's nutritional needs for each life stage, including dietary requirements for growth, weight maintenance, performance, and in regards to medical issues. Food allergies and prescription diets can also be discussed, and we have many resources for finding the right basic, home-made, raw, or other dietary alternatives as a pet's health may require.


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Dog and cat on bed

Behavioral Counseling


We can provide advice regarding the correction of problems such as excessive barking, chewing, spraying, scratching, digging, house soiling, aggression, and self-destructive patterns (fur or feather plucking).

Sometimes the best way to address these issues is to brainstorm a number of possible solutions and then see what works best! In this area of concern, we have the added benefit of observing a pet's natural environment which may provide very important clues to behavior problems.


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Dog bringing newspaper

Referral Services


Since we do not have all the equipment or the ability to perform many of the comprehensive services available at full-service hospitals, we recommend that every pet owner maintain a relationship with a local veterinary office. We can refer your pet to a local hospital for services that are beyond the scope of a mobile vet service, or can make referrals to specialists outside of Durango if needed.

**We have close working relationships with the other local animal hospitals, who often refer their own clients to us when they are in need of mobile services**

Specialist Regional referrals are an option for complete work-ups in the following areas:

(Albuquerque, NM & Fort Collins, CO)

(Albuquerque, NM & Fort Collins, CO)


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Dog and cat cuddling

Pet Sitting


We partner with several local medically-trained pet sitters who can provide services for routine pet care while you are away, and for more advanced care that might be needed for senior pets, those on medications, or special-needs animals. Please contact us for a referral!


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paw in hand

Ethereal dog

Hospice Care & At-Home Euthanasia


We understand the many difficulties associated with senior animals when the end is in sight...

~ Our Pets Are Part of Our Families ~
We all desire a life of
~ Peace ~ Quality ~
~ Dignity ~
~Freedom from Suffering~

It is also an emotional time for human family members when a pet is coming to the end of their journey here with us. We want you to know that your are not alone in this challenging time ♥ We are available to assess a pet's quality of life with you, provide medications to address their possible pain & anxiety on those tougher days, or even to simply discuss where and your pet may be at in this process, and how to navigate the many concerns with this period of their life.

Hospice care includes medical management and addressing the many senior needs as they can change quickly sometimes, and the whole process may seem like a roller coaster of good days & not so good days... when the time comes for a pet to pass from this world, we want the experience to be as comfortable and peaceful as possible for everyone. We always use sedation for the procedure so as not to cause any discomfort, and to allow things to go at a soothing pace. When the time comes, your pet can leave this world while resting under their favorite tree in the yard, or any other special place in the privacy & familiar surroundings of your home where they feel safe, and have shared so many memories & so much love with you.

After care arrangements can be made to suite your needs, from your own choice to provide burial to a few different cremation options. We believe in respecting the physical body even after an animal has passed, and so we work with others who also provide this same type of attention to detail.

* * * Special Note * * * 

We have been blessed by a kind-hearted pet lover with FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE for end of life services if affordability is a concern

Please let us know if you need help so we can extend this gift to your family in your time of need


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wrapping dog's paw

Urgent Care, Emergencies, & Surgery


We do our best to be available for urgent illnesses & minor to moderate injuries.

Diagnostics can be performed on site at your home or in our office, and we provide sedation as needed.

We do not perform surgical procedures or handle major emergencies or as we do not have anesthetic equipment. Please call your primary full service veterinary office for these types of care.

If needed, your pet may be referred to a full service or specialty hospital after their initial diagnosis and treatment, and we work with other local clinics as well as many specialty centers for these purposes.


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